Prior to starting development, we facilited workshops with users to ask them how and why they keep track of documents and what could simplify their process in order ot save some precious time.
Document Management App
Designed and prototyped a document management app that helps consumers keep track and record important documents over the cloud.
User Interview, Usability Testing, Journey Mapping, Use Cases, Design Sessions, Sketches, Wireframes, Mockups, Prototyping
Discovery Phase

Sketches & Concepting
Based on the research, users wanted more than just a document storage, they wanted it to be part of their lifestyle and workflows; being able setup alerts and reminders about certain documents and invoices.

Created wireframes to show the layout and workflow and to gather feedback quickly.

High Fidelity Prototypes
We worked closely with the UI designer and followed all use cases created previously to produce a production ready prototypes.